Sankeshwar Mission Hospital (SMH)

Sankeshwar Mission Hospital, Sankeshwar, Belgaum, Karnataka.

Sankeshwar Mission Hospital (SMH) had a very humble beginning and was established in 1923 by Dr. George Henderson, a pioneer medical missionary who came to Sankeshwar in 1918. Since then, many missionary doctors and nurses from UK, Australia and different parts of India shouldered the work. In the earlier days this mission hospital was the only place equipped to provide with health care to the socially and financially weaker section of the population, and was particularly known for treatment of Tuberculosis, Leprosy and various skin problems, a reputation which still exists.  Sankeshwar is a small town located at the north-western border of Karnataka in Belgaum district, surrounded by villages. Farming (mostly Sugarcane, and groundnuts) is the main occupation in these areas. SMH serves the population of these surrounding villages and also across the Maharashtra border for a radius of about 50 -70Kms.

Sankeshwar Mission Hospital continues to provide In-patient and Outpatient medical care in the following branches: Gen. Medicine, Dermatology, Gen. Surgery, Obstetrics/Gynecology and Physiotherapy. Over the past few years several improvements have been made to the Hospital Infrastructure and to modernize the services. Today SMH is a 25 bedded Hospital with OPD, IPD, OT, Pharmacy, and Laboratory facilities. We see medical and health care as a perpetual opportunity to reach out to people with the love of Christ. Treatment is provided at a reasonable cost and often at a concessional rate to be able to cater to the entire population of surrounding areas. 

Following is the team of doctors at Sankeshwar Mission Hospital:

  • Dr. Anil Arlikatti, Gen Surgeon, Medical Superintendent
  • Dr. Shanti Arlikatti, Gynecologist
  • Dr. Satyadev Jangam, Medical Officer
  • Dr. Chitrita Behra, Medical Officer
  • Dr. David Ravikumar, Physiotherapist
  • Dr. Mahima L Shibu, Occupational Therapist

Many of the patients who visit SMH, suffer from problems arising out of poverty and ignorance. The poor financial state of the patients makes the treatment challenging. Many patients have advanced Pulmonary Tuberculosis untreated or partially treated due to ignorance. Alcoholism and its related medical and psychological issues are a significant part of the OPD and IP work.  The Physiotherapy department which was started a few years back has seen significant growth and with several latest equipment and skilled doctors, this department is currently best available in the town. Efforts are on to add more services like the Department of Medicine, ICU facility, Dialysis unit, Laparoscopy procedures, and advanced laboratory modalities.

Mr. Kurian Oommen joined SMH as General Manager in April 2022. As a family, they had been prayerfully looking for a Mission field to serve the Lord. This year they have moved from New Delhi, leaving their secular job, to Sankeshwar with a desire to take up the responsibilities at SMH and SETH.

Facilities Available

25 Bedded Hospital with Operation Theatre, Private Wards, General Wards, OPD, IPD, Gen. Surgery, Laboratory, 24Hrs Emergency, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy and Ambulance Service.

Few new Equipment are received in Donation through Stewards Association In India: Tread Mill and Weight Harness.

Further expansion of the Hospital with more departments added, is in the planning. This will require the construction of an additional floor to the existing Hospital building to accommodate the required facilities. The Mission Hospital has an Operation Theatre where general surgeries and gynecology surgeries including caesarean section are being done. The scope and range of surgeries can be improved by upgrading the existing OT equipment. Also, an Orthopedic Department will be started soon and this will need the current radiology equipment to be upgraded to the Digital System. Looking forward for some more new equipment & gadgets and new dedicated Doctors to join SMH so that this blessed service be extended to all strata of society here.

Contact Tel. 8860168148

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