Hebron Hostel, Nidadavole

The Hebron Hostel was started by Miss Bowden in Settipeta (Nidadavole) and Miss Joyce Harding continued the work splendidly for 50 years. After the sudden death of Dr. Esther who was the Superintendent of Hebron Hostel till last year, Sis. GaylSpierinshoek hailing from South Africa who was working in Kollegal Girls Home as a volunteer was posted as Superintendent on May 2018. The hostel has a total strength of around 140 girls and the daily needs are taken care by 10 staff members. The ages of girls range from 6 years to 18 years. They are all attending school from 1st grade to 11th grade. Some started their General Nursing and Midwifery Course and 2 girls finished the same course in 2019.
Health and hygiene are taken care and regularly monitored. Balanced diets are provided for the hostel inmates. Regular study groups are conducted by the staff in the evenings and tuition classes are arranged for students in 10th grade and college students during the examination period. Notebooks are provided for students from 6th to 10th standards and college students.
The spiritual part of the girls is given utmost importance. All girls and staff attend the GDM Assemblies in Nidadavole. Morning devotions are taken regularly from Monday to Saturday by Dormitory staff. Sunday School classes are held on every Sunday at 3.00 pm by staff and senior girls. Sunday evening devotions are taken at 7.00 pm. Regular VBSs are held on public holidays.
The recreation aspect is also taken care by taking part in various games and by taking them for outing at certain holidays. Programs are conducted on Christmas and eve which gives the opportunity for everyone to get acquainted with the family members and to proclaim God’s message.
The maintenance and repairs work are regularly carried out. A CCTV was also installed as per the requirement from the Govt Child Welfare.