WINGS ELIM Camping and Convention Centre, Whitefield, Bangalore

ELIM Camping and Convention Centre situated at Whitefield, Bangalore, was graciously gifted to Stewards Association in India by Mr. S J W Chase and Mrs. Phyllis Violet Isabel Chase. This 8-acre property is located in Whitefield, one of the chief centres of the IT hub in Bangalore. As the buildings of the Camp Centre had grown dilapidated over the past years and was badly in need of proper maintenance, it could not be utilized according to its true potential in the past few years. Hence, we had been prayerfully considering a major facelift to the premises including the construction of a new building and to initiate renovation work of the old structures.
By the grace of God, we were able to remodel the Auditorium in a befitting manner enabling double seating capacity than that of the original. Immediately adjacent to the Auditorium, a Toilet Block, consisting of 6 rest rooms each for Gents and Ladies were constructed. We wholeheartedly acknowledge the financial contribution of dear Ms. Margo Heyburn D/o Mrs. & Mr. Chase towards the renovation of the new Auditorium.
In answer to our earnest prayers, in God’s opportune time, we could initiate the major renovation and construction work on our camp site in August 2020. In spite of Covid lockdowns and restrictions, we could carry out the construction and renovation work observing all Covid protocols as the Lord’s hand had been favourable to us.
The first stage of the construction and renovation work which began in August 2020 was completed by this year 2022, and the buildings have been named and their facilities assigned as follows:
a) ‘Zion Block’ – a new two-storied building having 20 fully furnished family rooms with attached wash rooms and all facilities.
b) ‘Gilgal Block’ and ‘Gilead Block’ – are the two renovated Dormitories which comprises of 128 beds. A set of newly renovated washrooms are also provided in this block to cater to the needs of the dormitory occupants. Gilgal Block also provides 8 furnished family rooms with attached washrooms on the 1st floor.
c) ‘Bengston Auditorium’- our newly extended, fully air-conditioned Auditorium has a totally seating capacity of about 800 persons. It includes a Balcony cum Veranda constructed towards the front side of the Auditorium.
d) ‘Manna Dining Hall’- the dining room has undergone a major makeover is now well equipped with new floor tiles, doors and windows changed as well as a large wash area. The kitchen behind the dining room has also undergone full-fledged renovation.
e) ‘Shechem Block’- the Office building, has been completely renovated and is all set with its administrative and reception area made conducive to address all queries and concerns. The Camp Centre Office functions in this building with the 24*7 CCTV monitoring of the whole premises. It has also been equipped with two furnished bedrooms with newly attached washrooms to be made used by the visiting Faculty members or other eligible Seniors.
f) A 6-feet high, about 2000 feet long, strong and sturdy Compound Wall has also been constructed to protect and maintain the safety of the premises.
g) A new large 40 feet Entrance Gate has also been fitted on the newly constructed compound wall in order to enable easy and better entry of large vehicles Viz. Tourist Buses, and the like into the premises.
h) A beautiful paved Parking Area housing about 60 cars has been constructed to cater to the safe and disciplined parking arrangements for all at the premises.
i) The entire land which houses Elim Camp Centre is made beautiful with inlaid pavers and 30 feet paved road is connecting the Gate to the Parking lot and other buildings.
Presently, a competent and efficient Christian professional Company Viz. M/s Wings Arenas is running and operating Elim on a day-to-day basis. While the ownership and the management of the Centre rests with SAI, the daily operation and running of the Centre are handled by this Company. The premises is known as “WINGS ELIM CAMP AND CONVENTION CENTRE”.
Today, WINGS ELIM has become an attractive and affordable venue for Weddings, Conferences, Conventions and any Christian Functions in Bangalore.
For Bookings and queries please contact:
Mr. Sudhanya Biswas (Asst. Manager – ELIM) Tel: +91 6364375482
SAI Office contact: Mr. George Thomas, Tel. +91 9731377755
AGM Meeting 2023 Image Gallery
AGM Meeting 2022 Image Gallery
Image Gallery Wings Elim Camping and Convention Centre
Entrance Security Main Entrance Gate Entrance Road Main Entrance Way to Auditorium Bengston Hall
Pictures from events at Wings Elim – Weddings