Bethesda Leprosy Hospital, Narsapur, Andhra Pradesh.
The Bethesda Leprosy Hospital was started in 1923 by Mr. John Boyd. Soon this humble beginning as ‘Leper Home’ grew into a ‘Leprosy Hospital’. Dr. C. Pring, Miss. Hampton, Dr. Edward S Short, Dr. Ben Walkey, Mr. K. Satyanarayana and many others worked among the Leprosy patients faithfully. The ministry was truly unique as it caters to the holistic needs of leprosy patients. We have every reason to praise God for the blessed service the in-patients and out-patients receive from the dedicated Doctors, Nurses, and Nursing Aides. All the patients were thankful to God for the best of treatment and love they received in this hospital. The Govt. of Andhra Pradesh has also recognized and appreciated the good work being done by the Hospital. With the fervent efforts of Dr. Jonathan David Livingstone and encouragement from the management, a new General Ward was set up in March 2018 housing 6 general and 2 private beds; thus making Bethesda an 88-bed hospital. BLH has also added a new 12-channel ECG machine to our inventory and it is being used to the fullest. During the last week of July, 5 wheelchairs were donated to our hospital by the Christian Mission Charitable Trust (CMCT) and will be used as and when necessary. In recent years there has been a decrease in the incidence of Leprosy and HIV, but Patients with Skin diseases and Ulcers are visiting in more numbers. Dr. Joseph Willington and Dr. Sowmya recently joined the hospital and they are serving the patients faithfully. Mr. Sharan was recently appointed as project manager to oversee and monitor the projects. We celebrated God’s faithfulness for all these 100 years in the centenary year on 3rd Feb-2023
Bethesda continues to provide treatment for Leprosy, HIV AIDS, General and Dermatology etc., presently there are 44 staff members working in the Hospital. God has helped to His servants these 100 years ministry to serve the needy and poor. Many were blessed spiritually and physically.
Contact 08814-274618
Image Gallery of Bethesda Leprosy Hospital

Centenary day of Bethesda Leprosy Hospital on 3rd Feb-2023.
“Great is His Faithfulness – Lam 3.23”
“Only they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do” Galatians 2:10
Being a Centenary day, we conducted this programme exclusively, to celebrate it together with HBC brothers & sisters along with GMH-2 Children.
A total of 119 people – 97 brothers & sisters from HBC and 22 children from GMH-2 project have attended this programme.
Special guests of the day:
- Dr. Ian Burness-General Director of Echoes of Service- U.K
- Mrs. Margret Burness- U.K.
- Mr. Stephen Shaw- Senior Counsel (QC) –U.K.
- Adv Raju M Koshy – Gen. Secretary, Stewards Association in India.
- Mrs. Raju M Koshy.
- Mr. Jeff German-Australia.
- Mrs. Gayle – Australia.
The welcome speech was given by Mrs. Margret Burness. Thereafter God’s Word has been shared by Mr. Stephen Shaw and by Adv Raju M Koshy. Mr. Jeff German sang an energetic song; Mrs. Gayle shared a few words and encouraged them. Bro John Lee interpreted into our mother language. Closing prayer of Thanks given by Dr. Ian Burness and benediction by our Hon Chairman Mr. K. Satyanarayana. The program went well by the Amazing Grace of God.
Altogether the day was blessed and blissful. The guests’ presence made the day more encouraging. The Children of GMH & GMH-2 were presented with an English song, and also as a bible quiz activity was conducted and all of them participated actively and won small prizes.
Apart from this, the people of HBC and the children of GMH-2 had their regular health check-ups and were prescribed medicines. And also, they were provided a monthly ration and had a good meal.
Centenary day of Bethesda Leprosy Hospital on 3rd Feb-2023
Picture Gallery.